news & viewpoints

Your next best action? Modular content

Unlock new levels of engagement, impact, and competitive edge

by Lia Caprara and Greg Marshall

May 21, 2024        thought leader

Your next best action? Modular content

As healthcare marketers, our goal remains consistent: to deliver meaningful content to clients’ target audiences effectively and efficiently. Recently, our industry has been inundated with terms such as “omnichannel marketing” and “modular content.” Though these concepts may be viewed merely as buzzwords, when harnessed correctly true omnichannel marketing can be a powerful tool.

A crucial aspect of omnichannel marketing is the delivery of personalized and contextually relevant content to the right audience. However, achieving this within the pharmaceutical landscape comes with a unique set of challenges due to its highly regulated nature. While consumer brands seem to effortlessly tailor their content, physician-focused brands are often restricted by compliance hurdles.

In an effort to overcome these challenges, many brands have begun to turn to modular content. While the lift to create and implement this type of content can be daunting – especially with the added tasks of producing high audience engagement and capturing these results in real-time – if expectations are set appropriately, all key members can help work toward this shared goal. And in the end, this collaborative effort can have a significant impact on the company’s bottom line.

What is modular content?

Modular content refers to pre-approved blocks of content, aka modules, that are utilized when creating marketing materials. These modules encompass all essential elements of a brand’s comprehensive narrative, including key messaging, product claims, brand visuals and graphics, logos, and references.

Moreover, each module is equipped with designated business rules surrounding its approved usage. This approach yields versatile, ready-to-share content that is capable of delivering product messages independently or as a part of the larger brand story when shared with other modules.

Benefits of the modular model

Faster content creation

By developing content in the form of reusable modules, the modular content workflow eliminates the need to start from scratch each time new marketing materials are needed. As a result, pharmaceutical companies can drastically reduce their time to market.

Reduced costs

When a brand’s modular content is made up of pre-approved core messaging, the timeline to produce new content is significantly shortened. This streamlined process reduces review time, which helps cut down on marketing costs.

Adaptability to different platforms

Once the core messages and modules are approved, marketers can adapt them to various communication channels. From creating an email to working with a third-party vendor, modular marketing provides a strong foundational starting point to help ensure brand consistency across platforms.

Easier adaptation and personalization

Modular content simplifies the process of using the same content across channels and for different audiences. It allows marketing teams to quickly customize modules to fit each platform and audience preference, providing a personalized user experience without having to create entirely new content every time.

How to implement modular content
  1. Outline the core messages and business rules: Start by shaping the brand’s big-picture perspective by creating a core claims document that outlines key messages and orders them by importance within the brand narrative. Accompany this with a business rule document that details usage guidelines for each message, which will form the foundation of the content strategy.
  2. Translate channel-specific content: Once the core claims document is approved, begin crafting channel-specific content. Translate approved messaging into diverse content blocks with varying aesthetics for testing purposes. Make sure each variation remains relevant and engaging.
  3. Integrate into an omnichannel ecosystem: For best results, integrate the modular content model into the company’s other Next Best Action strategies. This will enable the brand to leverage actionable insights to tailor content and utilize data from various communication touchpoints to refine brand messaging based on user engagement across platforms.

By delivering the right message through the right channel, pharmaceutical companies and their marketing partners can help enhance business outcomes for all brand stakeholders.

The adoption of modular content not only enables streamlined content creation; it also fosters more meaningful customer engagements – and, ultimately, better patient outcomes.

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